The Friendship portal is launched , a Phone Number List pioneer in connecting “real friends” online. It reaches 3 million users in just three months. LinkedIn emerges a social network that aims to unite professional contacts.The MySpace website Phone Number List Phone Number List is launched , initially conceived as a "clone" of Friendship. Created by an online marketing company, its first version was coded in just 10 days.
Facebook is launched , originally conceived Phone Number List as a platform for connecting college students. Its starting signal took place at Harvard University and more than half of its 19,500 students subscribed to it during its first month Phone Number List of operation.2006: The Twitter micro blogging network is launched .2008: Facebook Phone Number List overtakes MySpace as the leading social network in monthly unique visitors.
2009 : Whats app appears on iPhone and Phone Number List manages to captivate 25,000 users as it is free instant messaging that allows you to Phone Number List be in constant contact with your contacts.2010 : Whats App is launched for Android Phone Number List and becomes the main means of communication between users.Instagram emerges as a platform to share photographic content.2011: Facebook has 600 million users worldwide, MySpace 260 million, Twitter 190 million and Friendship just 90 million.