Brands love to pretend that their customers are Buy Bulk SMS Service their best friends, but the truth is that building a lasting relationship with the customer Buy Bulk SMS Service (that does not crack at first sight) requires an extraordinarily solid foundation. Consumer confidence is by no means sold "cheap" and even more so in an era in which customers can express Buy Bulk SMS Service their disappointment (mixed with anger) on social networks and potentially turn a criticism into a virulent reputation crisis.
On 2.0 platforms, brands invariably get hit hard, Buy Bulk SMS Service but which companies arouse the most hate on these channels? Rave Reviews has set out to answer this question and by scrutinizing over a million tweets has created a fascinating atlas Buy Bulk SMS Service of the anger spat at brands on social media .To make this atlas, which has taken the form of an info graphic, Rave Reviews used the Strengthener tool, which evaluates tweets Buy Bulk SMS Service about brands published on Twitter based on the positivist or negativity of the content they host.
The Rave Reviews analysis shows that the JBuy Bulk SMS Service apanese technology giant Sony is the most hated brand in 10 countries , while the Buy Bulk SMS Service electric car manufacturer Tesla is at the head of the most hated companies in seven different countries (Spain included). The anger expressed against Sony on social networks seems to be Buy Bulk SMS Servicerelated to its subsidiary PlayStation. Not in vain, the launch of the new PSI has been weighed down by many problems.