Essentialness is not only limited to style and layout, but also greatly influences the use of color . We'll see different trends including monochromatic palettes, neutral colors, gradient effects, and pastel shades, all tied to the same common denominator: minimalism, balance, and soft atmospheres. Monochrome palette One of the best practices in email design is to limit your color choices to two or three shades. In 2021, we will see this theoretical rule, i.e. the use of monochromatic palettes linked to a single key color that recalls the brand or type of product, taken to the extreme. From the background to the images, all the elements of the message are conveyed with darker or lighter tones of the same shade, creating a strong visual impact that is always balanced and minimal . Monochromatic Palette Example 1 Monochrome Palette Example 2 Soft colors and pastel tones From the point of view of the type of colors, the use of soft, muted and pastel shades prevails . Strong, bright and vibrant colors will give way to desaturated shades that suggest the notion of calm, peace, positivity and security .
chili in pastel tones pastel shades gir gradient effect The gradient effect is said to originate from the psychedelic culture of the 60s, and its return to email design creates vintage atmospheres and a sense of nostalgia. (Source: Uplers). The gradient effect, that is, the gradual shading of colors, is one of the most original and interesting trends of 2021. Like all trends, its use has no limits and can be apply to different elements of the message , including: the Image Masking Service background, to create movement and guide the user's gaze from the beginning to the end of the message gradient in the background the CTA button gradient in cta the titles gradient in the text Fonts take center stage, between bold and XXL sizes When it comes to email design, we often make the mistake of focusing only on the different uses of colors and images, forgetting that font also plays an important role in creating strong emails.
visual impact . Unlike style and color trends, the font trend has gone in a completely opposite direction: they are taking on extra large dimensions, strongly dominating the message space, and becoming increasingly bold and exaggerated . The success of bold fonts Using a bold font immediately gives a title tremendous visual impact and is the best choice when you want to communicate a key concept, an effective slogan, or a particularly important and meaningful message. bold fonts 1 bold fonts 1 To avoid creating unreadable titles, you can leave some space for your bold characters by using letter spacing , one of the new features of the BEE drag-and-drop editor. By increasing the space between characters, your headings will become clearer and more usable, allowing you to continue using a bold font. letter spacing Headlines and Messages In addition to bold fonts, another 2021 trend is font sizes, which will get bigger and bigger in order to give headlines a prominent role in the message. Their size reached deliberately excessive levels , superimposing hero images or in the most extreme cases,