To sum up, competitive analysis can make our products easy to use, don’t make user think. Fourth, write at the end Competitive product analysis is definitely not just about direct job function email list handling. We must combine our own resources and users to use it properly at each stage, job function email list and the analysis should not stay on the surface of the product. The strategy, positioning and design of products can be used in both positive and negative directions.
When it is time to make a difference, make a difference job function email list and learn when it is time to learn. Many people have written large and comprehensive competitive analysis reports. If you have written them, go back and look at them carefully. According to the above three directions, there should be new gains. Author: Zheng Duoduo; Official Account: Thinking Zheng Duoduo job function email list zhengduoduo2022), focusing on product design and personal growth.
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